The Quilting Is Finally Done!

This week’s blog will be short, but it is a time of celebration for me! I finally finished quilting my table runner! Yay!! Once I got in a rhythm I didn’t want to stop. I’ve found I’m a very goal oriented person so I worked on each set pattern...

Not Everyone Is Nice

I’m not very happy with my post last week. I feel like I rushed through the quilt show in an attempt to keep my Friday post schedule. I don’t feel like I did the show justice, nor did I talk about the one negative thing that happened. I want to fix that...

My First Quilt Show

Today I was able to attend my first quilt show as a patron! Before today I had been to one in Florida, but I was there to help my Aunt and Uncle in their booth. I didn’t actually walk around and see anything, especially since they were right next to the doors so...

February’s Block Of The Month

What a fantastic week! I am just so thrilled with how this months block turned out. I was a little nervous going into it because there were a few new techniques that I had never done before and I really wanted to get them right. I think I succeeded. My favorite part...

I Attempted To Hem Some Pants

This week was a little different. We’ve been sick, again, so my focus has been on taking care of my kids and not as much on sewing. However, I did have to tackle one project that I have been putting off for twelve years. For Christmas in 2005 my husband received...