I’ve always loved winter break from school. When I was a kid it was my favorite time of year. I loved the cold. I loved the lights. I loved the music. It was magical. Plus, I loved not having to think about school for a few weeks. It’s a little different as a parent. Instead of the typical two week break, my kids have three weeks off of school. Three weeks. That is a very long time to have your normal routine interrupted and I am beyond ready to have that schedule start back up again. I still have to make it through this weekend.

Part of my normal routine now includes sewing. I miss it. But it’s too hard to sew when I’ve got three extra kids in the house who are in and out of the office asking me questions every five minutes.

Thankfully, I have managed to at least think about sewing, even if I haven’t actually been able to turn my sewing machine on since before Christmas.

I have a few things planned as we start this new year which I am really excited about. The first project is a big one that will take me the entire year to complete. I have signed up for the Block of the Month club through Purple Daisies Quilting. Information about it can be found here:


Basically, I’ll be sent one block pattern, some months I’ll be sent two, to work on. Each block will help me learn new techniques which I’m really excited about. At the end of the year, I’ll have a completed quilt.

I’m really excited and a little nervous to be tackling this quilt. I’m grateful that I’ll have the whole year to complete it. The first block will be sent out on the 12th of this month, so I have another week and a half before I can get started on it. Has anyone else ever done a block of the month club?

There’s no way for me to know how long each block will take me to do. Some blocks may very well take me the entire month to complete while others could be done in a just one week. In the event that I finish the blocks quickly, I wanted to make sure I had something else to work on.

I decided to get a book of table runner patterns. That way I won’t confuse myself with multiple quilt projects happening at once.

This particular book has ten different patterns in it. I thought it would be best to just sew my way through the book rather than jump around. This way I don’t have to decide which one to start with.

The first table runner is called “A Pack of Posies.”

It was a little overwhelming to be in the store trying to pick out fabric, but I was able to do it eventually. I just hope the colors go as well together in the runner as they do in my head.

I’m not sure how much time I’ll be able to put towards these table runners, but I like knowing that I have them to do in any down time that I have.

This week I will be cutting down my fabric choices. I’m going to wait to post a picture of the fabric until the prep work is finished. Hopefully I’ll have time to start sewing, but the priority is on the preparation. It’s probably my least favorite part of any project, sewing or not, but it’s an important one.

What is your least favorite part of your projects? Do you have something you dislike so much that the thought of it makes you put off projects all together? I’ve never gotten to that point and I hope I never will.